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Dear Danes abroad,

The election for the European Parliament is taking place on June 9th, however, eligible voters can now cast their advance votes at Danish embassies and consulates.

This election is taking place at a crucial and pivotal time for Europe. No matter where in the world you are, remember to make your voice heard.

How can I vote?

  1. You can read more about advance voting on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website and at the Ministry of the Interior and Health's website
  2. Make sure to vote in time for your vote to arrive at your municipality in Denmark before the elections open on Sunday 9 June 2024 at 9 am.

Go vote!


Kære danskere i udlandet.

Europa-Parlamentsvalget finder sted d. 9. juni, men stemmeberettigede vælgere i udlandet kan allerede nu brevstemme på de danske ambassader og konsulater. 

Valget finder sted i en vigtig og banebrydende tid for Europa. Så uanset hvor i verden du befinder dig, så husk at giv din mening til kende.

Hvordan kan du stemme?

  1. Du kan læse mere om brevstemmeafgivning i udlandet på Udenrigsministeriets valghjemmeside og på Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriets valghjemmeside 
  2. Indgiv din stemme i så god tid, at din brevstemme kan nå hjem til din bopælskommune inden kl. 9 på valgdagen.

Husk at stemme!


Contact the embassy at [email protected] for further information and how to vote.



Possibility of reopening cases concerning proof of retaining Danish citizenship based on a judgment from the European Court of Justice


Based on a judgment handed down by the European Court of Justice on 5 September 2023 in case C-689/21, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration has assessed that it must take into consideration a number of additional elements when processing all applications for proof of retention of Danish citizenship in order to carry out an individual consideration of the consequences in relation to EU-law of the loss of a Danish citizenship and, as a result, the loss of Union citizenship – irrespective of the time when the application was submitted.


This assessment was previously only carried out in cases when the application was submitted before the age of 22.


In all future cases when the loss of Danish citizenship at the age of 22 also means a loss of EU citizenship, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration will carry out an assessment whether the effects of the loss of EU citizenship under EU law are proportional to the purpose of the loss of citizenship, (i.e. the consideration whether there is a real affiliation between Danish citizens and Denmark).


The Ministry of Immigration and Integration further assesses that there is a need to amend Section 8 of the Danish Nationality Act so that the wording and explanatory notes of this section are consistent with EU law.


Please refer to the Minister for Immigration and Integration's briefing to the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) on the judgment and its legal effects here (in Danish).


Possibility of reopening a case

The judgment has legal effects from the time of enforcement, 1 November 1993, of the interpreted rule, TFEU article 20.


Former Danish citizens can request the Ministry to reassess their application if they turned 22 on or after 1 November 1993, and if after turning 22 they have applied to retain Danish citizenship, and if they have received a decision from the Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration on loss of citizenship, and in turn loss of their Union citizenship. It will be a prerequisite for reassessment that the loss of citizenship had effects under EU law. This will generally be the case if the applicant has had a family or employment affiliation with another EU member state than Denmark before the age of 22.


When processing reopened cases, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration emphasizes the actual circumstances, including affiliation aspects up to the applicant's 22nd birthday. This means that affiliation with Denmark and other EU countries after the age of 22 will not be included in the assessment of the applicant’s retention of Danish citizenship.


Read the judgment from the European Court of Justice of 5 September 2023 in case C-689/21 here (in Danish). 

Election Day in Pakistan on Thursday 8th February, 2024

Embassy will remain open from 0900-1400 hrs.  Calls for visa section will not be open.

Mulighed for genoptagelse af sager om bevis for bevarelse af dansk statsborgerskab på baggrund af en dom fra EU-Domstolen


På baggrund af en dom afsagt af EU-Domstolen den 5. september 2023 i sagen C-689/21, har Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet vurderet, at ministeriet ved behandlingen af alle ansøgninger om bevis for bevarelse af dansk indfødsret, vil skulle inddrage en række yderligere momenter med henblik på at foretage en individuel prøvelse af virkningerne i forhold til EU-retten af en fortabelse af dansk statsborgerskab og dermed unionsborgerskabet – uanset hvornår ansøgningen er indgivet.


Denne vurdering er tidligere alene blevet foretaget i sager, hvor ansøgningen blev indgivet inden det fyldte 22. år.


Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet vil således fremover i alle sager, hvor fortabelsen af det danske statsborgerskab ved det fyldte 22. år også betyder en fortabelse af unionsborgerskabet, foretage en vurdering af, om virkningerne i forhold til EU-retten af fortabelsen af unionsborgerskabet er proportionale med formålet med fortabelsen (dvs. hensynet til, at der består et reelt tilknytningsforhold mellem danske statsborgere og Danmark).


Det er desuden Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriets vurdering, at der vil være behov for at justere indfødsretslovens § 8, så bestemmelsens ordlyd og bemærkninger bringes i overensstemmelse med EU-retten.


Se Udlændinge- og Integrationsministerens orientering af Folketinget om dommen og dens retsvirkninger her.


Mulighed for genoptagelse

Dommen får retsvirkninger fra ikrafttrædelsen af den fortolkede regel, TEUF artikel 20, som trådte i kraft den 1. november 1993.


Tidligere danske statsborgere, der er fyldt 22 år den 1. november 1993 eller senere, og som efter det fyldte 22. år har søgt om at bevare dansk statsborgerskab, og som har modtaget en afgørelse fra Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet om fortabelse af statsborgerskab, hvorved de også mistede deres unionsborgerskab, vil kunne anmode ministeriet om at genoptage deres ansøgning. Det vil være en forudsætning for genoptagelse, at fortabelsen havde virkninger i forhold til EU-retten. Det vil i almindelighed være tilfældet, hvis den pågældende har haft familie- eller beskæftigelsesmæssig tilknytning til en anden EU-medlemsstat end Danmark inden det fyldte 22. år.


Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet vil ved behandlingen af genoptagne sager lægge vægt på de faktiske omstændigheder, herunder tilknytningsmomenter, der var gældende op til ansøgerens fyldte 22 år. Det vil sige, at tilknytning til Danmark og øvrige EU-lande, der er opstået efter det fyldte 22. år, ikke vil kunne indgå i vurderingen af, om vedkommende har bevaret sin danske indfødsret.


Læs EU-Domstolens dom af 5. september 2023 i sagen C-689/21 her.

Embassy of Denmark in Islamabad will have limited access to e-mails on Friday, the 27th of April. We will therefore, revert as soon as possible.

The Danish Embassy of Islamabad cannot answer your calls at the moment.

The Danish Embassy of Islamabad cannot answer your calls at the moment. For urgent cases, please call MFA’s 24/7 Global Call Centre at +45 33921112.

Now it has become easier to get a MItID 

Now it has become easier to get a MitID if you are Dane and live abroad or if you are a foreigner and have a connection to Denmark.

In June 2022, a new function in the MitID app made it possible to create a MitID directly in the MitID app if you had a valid Danish, Greenlandic or Faroese passport. The function has been updated so you can also use foreign passports or ID cards with a chip to create MitID directly in the app.

Read more about getting a MitID:

Consequently, it should be easier to create a MitID if you live abroad, need a MitID, but do not have a valid Danish passport.

All you will need is a valid passport/ID card and access to a phone that can scan the chip: an iPhone 7 or above or a newer Android phone.

Read more about passport/ID card requirements:

You will continue to be able to use NemID for all public self-service solutions until NemID finally closes on 30 June 2023.