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Danish passport

All applications for a Danish passport must be made in person at the Embassy in Islamabad.

Processing time is approximately 3-5 weeks.

As from 26 June 2012 children are no longer able to travel on their parents' passports. Please click here for details in Danish or in English.

The application form for Danish passports can be downloaded from this page or picked up at the Embassy.

Applications can only be submitted at the Embassy by prior appointment. Please contact the Consular Section by e-mail at [email protected] to make an appointment.
A fee is applicable (credit card only).

From 1 January 2012 new Danish passports must contain digital photos, fingerprints and signatures.
Picking up your new passport

When you have been notified that your new passport has arrived, please contact the Consular Section by email to make an appointment for collection. Bring your old passport with you for cancellation.

If the passport is not picked up by yourself, the courier should present a letter of authorization. The passport of a person under 18 years may be picked up by the parents or guardians without a letter of authorization.

Lost passport

If you have lost your Danish passport, please contact the Embassy for more information.


Passports for Children (under the age of 18)

Note: As from 26 June 2012 children are no longer able to travel on their parents' passports.

You are kindly requested to make an appointment prior to visiting the Embassy by sending an email to [email protected]. Your appointment will be confirmed by the Consular Section by return email. The waiting time for an appointment at the Embassy is approximately 1 week.  

“Digital consent for a passport to your child
You can give digital consent for a passport to your child if you have a Danish CPR number and NEM-ID. Your child does not need to have a Danish CPR number.
Give digital consent here

Once you have filled the consent form and signed with your NEM-ID, you can print a receipt. We will also send the receipt to your digital mailbox (e-box). The consent is valid for 90 days.”

Required Documents

In order to submit an application for a passport, please follow the guidelines listed below and check off the list as you proceed. Passport applications which do not include all of the documentation listed below will not be accepted. Please be aware that the Embassy has the right to ask for further documentation, if it deems necessary.

1. APPLICATION FORM: Please fill out and sign one complete application form per person. To download the form, please click here.

2. FIRST-TIME PASSPORT: If you are born in Pakistan and applying for a Danish passport in Pakistan for the first time, you are required to provide Proof of Danish Citizenship (Indfødsretsbevis). An application for Proof of Danish Citizenship is submitted to the Ministry of Immigration and Integration. For more information please click here.

2.1. RENEWAL OF PASSPORT: Applicants born in Pakistan who are applying for a renewal of their Danish Passport in Pakistan, are required to provide Proof of Danish Citizenship (Indfødsretsbevis). An application for Proof of Danish Citizenship is submitted to the Ministry of Immigration and Integration. For more information please click here.

Please note that persons over the age of 18 living in Pakistan who wish to renew their Danish passport, may also be required by the Embassy to proof their Danish Citizenship. This depends upon an individual assessment made by the Embassy. In the event the Embassy makes such a requirement, the Embassy will inform you how to obtain the Proof of Danish Citizenship (Indfødsretsbevis).

If a passport has expired two (2) or more years ago, the applicant has to submit Proof of Danish Citizenship (Indfødsretsbevis) in any case.

2.2 FIRST-TIME PASSPORT AND RENEWAL OF PASSPORT: “If neither the farther nor the mother of a child had Danish citizenship at the birth of the child, and no matter if the child is born in Denmark or outside Denmark, Proof of Danish Citizenship (Infødsretsbevis) has to be presented to the Danish Embassy. Either in the form of the child’s own Indfødsretsbevis, or by means of the Indfødsretsbevis of the farther/mother later acquired, which would then include the name(s) of any children obtaining Danish citizenship at the same time as the farther/mother.

3. PHOTOGRAPH: The Embassy will take digital photographs of the applicant. However, as it can difficult to capture a suitable digital photograph of children under the age of 3, it is advisable to bring a normal passport photograph to the Embassy which can then be scanned. For more information regarding the requirements for passports photos, please click here. The Embassy will collect fingerprints of children over the age of 12, and a digital signature from children over the age of 5.

4. ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE: Applicants are required to provide their original birth certificate along with an English translation. The original birth certificate must be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please note, that both parents' names must appear on the original birth certificate. 

5. PARENTAL CONSENT: Both parents must fill in and sign the parental consent section on page 3 of the application form.

If one parent has sole custody of the child, documentation must be provided, e.g. Danish separation/divorce papers or a court order, which must be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If the document is in local language, the applicant must provide an English translated copy and certification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

If one parent is living abroad (not Pakistan) and can therefore not sign the parental consent section on page 3 of the application form, please follow the following guidelines:

a) If the parent is living in Denmark, he/she must contact the nearest Borgerservice Office (Passport Issuing Office) in order to complete the Danish Passport Consent Form. Afterwards, the Borgerservice Office must forward the consent form by e-mail ([email protected]) to the Danish Embassy in Islamabad along with a copy of the parents' passport (with signature page).

b) If the parent is living outside Pakistan or Denmark, he/she must contact a Danish Embassy or Consulate in the country of his/her residence, in order to complete the Danish Passport Consent Form. Afterwards, the Danish Embassy or Consulate must forward the Consent Form by email ([email protected]) to the Danish Embassy in Islamabad along with a copy of the parents' passport (with signature page).

6. PARENTS' PASSPORTS: The application form must be submitted together with both parents' passports for verification of signatures. 

7. PARENTS' ORIGINAL MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE AND MARRIAGE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE: The applicants' parents' original marriage certificate along with its English translation and the Marriage Registration Certificate issued by the Union Council where the marriage is registered at NADRA’s official paper must be presented (all documents must be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

8. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF DANISH NATIONALITY: If the applicant has obtained Danish nationality after he/she was born, the application form must be submitted along with the original Certificate of Danish Nationality. If your passport has expired two (2) or more years ago, you have to present your original Certificate of Danish Nationality.

9. NAME CHANGE: If the applicant has changed his/her name after the applicant's current passport was issued, the applicant must providethe original documentation as proof of identity. For more information, please click here.

Embassy Service Fees

For more information regarding the Embassy service fees, please click here.

Please note that extensions/emergency passports are free of charge if the applicant applies for a new passport simultaneously.

Passports for Adults

On 1 January 2012, Denmark introduced biometric passports.

You are kindly requested to make an appointment prior to visiting the Embassy by sending an email to [email protected]. Your appointment will be confirmed by the Consular Section by return email. The waiting time for an appointment at the Embassy is approximately 1 week.  

    Please be aware that school and summer holidays are the Embassy's peak periods. Therefore, if you wish to make an appointment at the Embassy during these periods, contact the Embassy well in advance.                  

Collection of new passports at the Embassy according to appointment takes place from Monday to Thursday between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m.. Please bring your old passport for cancellation.

    All applications must be submitted in person (regardless of age) at the Embassy.
    As part of your application, the Embassy will take a digital photograph and collect two fingerprints (index fingers) and a digital signature.

Processing Times

All passports are issued in Denmark and take approximately 4 weeks to process. During peak periods, passports can take up to 5 or 6 weeks to process.

Required Documents

In order to submit an application for a passport, please follow the guidelines listed below and check off the list as you proceed. Passport applications which do not include all of the documentation listed below will not be accepted. Please be aware that the Embassy has the right to ask for further documentation, if it deems necessary.      

  1. APPLICATION FORM: Please fill out and sign one complete application form per person. To download the form, please click here.
  3. NAME CHANGE: If you have changed your name (for example due to marriage) after your current passport was issued, you must present the original documentation as proof of identity. For more information, please click here.
  4. ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE: Your must provide your original birth certificate along with an English translation. The original birth certificate must be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (first time applications).
  5. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF DANISH NATIONALITY: If you are applying for a passport for the first time, or your Danish nationality has been retained after the age of 22, you are required to submit the original Certificate of Danish Nationality.
  6. COPIES: You must provide copies of all original documents.

Embassy Service Fees

For more information regarding the Embassy service fees, please click here.

Please note that extensions/emergency passports are free of charge, if you apply for a new passport simultaneously.


“Neither registration in the CPR register as Danish, nor being a previous holder of Danish passport is proof of Danish Citizenship. The Indfødsretsbevis is the only proof of Danish citizenship.”

Det bliver nemmere at få dansk pas i udlandet 

Efter indførelsen af biometriske pas 1. januar 2012, er det blevet mere besværligt at få udstedt dansk pas i udlandet. Derfor har Udenrigsministeriet undersøgt mulighederne for, indenfor de nye regler, at gøre det lettere, blandt andet med et mobilt paskontor.

Indførsel af nye biometriske pas med fingeraftryk pr. 1.1.2012 har gjort det vanskeligere for danskere i udlandet at få udstedt pas, da der er færre steder, hvor man kan ansøge. Udenrigsministeriet har derfor undersøgt mulighederne for at finde praktiske løsninger inden for de nye regler, som kan gøre det lettere at søge pas i udlandet.


Det blev pr. 15. juni 2012 muligt for børn under 12 år (som ikke skal afgive fingeraftryk) at søge om pas på de honorære konsulater og på ambassader uden biometrioptageudstyr. Bemærk, at der skal medbringes to papirbilleder samt at begge forældremyndighedsindehavere skal give samtykke. De fleste honorære konsulater og de ambassader, der ikke har biometrisk udstyr, kan stadig udstede nødpas og forlænge eksisterende pas.

I visse regioner med behov for udvidet adgang til pasudstedelse på grund af mange danskere i området og store afstande eller andre transportmæssige udfordringer, vil der med regelmæssige mellemrum komme besøg af dansk ambassadepersonale, som medbringer en særlig kuffert med udstyr til at tage fingeraftryk og billeder og modtage pasansøgninger. Nærmere oplysninger om kuffertløsningen kan findes via repræsentationernes hjemmesider.

Danskere, der bor i udlandet, har mulighed for at søge om pas under ophold i Danmark og det er muligt at få udleveret passet på en række af de danske repræsentationer i udlandet. Der skal betales et gebyr ved udleveringen på 185 kr. (2012 sats). Det anbefales dog fortsat at ansøge i tide til at få passet udleveret, mens man er i Danmark. Fra midt juni 2012 blev det ligeledes muligt at ansøge i udlandet og modtage passet på et af kommunens borgerservice centre i Danmark.

Der opkræves det samme ansøgningsgebyr uafhængigt af hvor i udlandet der ansøges. For detaljerede oplysninger se din regionale ambassades hjemmeside eller afsnittet om pas på

It will get easier to get a Danish passport overseas

After the introduction of biometric passports on Jan 1 2012, it became more difficult to apply for Danish passports overseas.  Therefore the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been examining the possibilities, within the the new rules, of making it easier to apply, for example with the use of mobile passport offices.

The introduction of the new biometric passport with fingerprints from Jan 1 2012, made it more difficult for Danes overseas to get new passports, as there were fewer places they could apply. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has therefore examined the possibilities of finding practical solutions, within the rules, which would make it easier to apply overseas.

On the 15 June 2012 it became possible for children under 12 (who don’t need to give fingerprints) to apply for passports at honorary consulates and Embassies without biometric equipment.  Please note that applicants must bring two passport photos, and both parents will need to give consent.  Most honorary consulates and Embassies without biometric equipment will still be able to issue emergency passports and extend passports.

In certain regions where there is a need for a greater access to passport issuance, due to a large Danish population, or great distances, or other transportation challenges, the Danish Embassy will regularly send out Embassy staff, who will bring a special suitcase with equipment to capture fingerprints and pictures and accept passport applications.  More information about the mobile passport office can be found on Embassy homepages.

Danes that live overseas also have the option of applying for Danish passports while at home in Denmark and having the passport sent out to a list of Danish representations worldwide.  There is a fee of 185 DK (set 2012) on delivery of the passport at the representation.  It is still advised however that you apply in good time and get the passport delivered in Denmark. From mid June 2012 it will also be possible to apply overseas and have the passport delivered to a Borgerservice centre in Denmark.

The same passport application fee is charged throughout the world.   For detailed information see your regional Embassy’s website or see the section on passports at

Dual Nationality

Dobbelt statsborgerskab

Er du bosiddende i udlandet, og er du interesseret i at kende mere til de nye regler om dobbelt statsborgerskab?

I december 2014 vedtog Folketinget nye regler om dobbelt statsborgerskab. Reglerne fremgår af lov nr. 1496 af 23. december 2014 om ændring af lov om dansk indfødsret. Loven er trådt i kraft den 1. september 2015. Hovedelementerne omfatter blandt andet:

  1. Ophævelse af indfødsretslovens bestemmelser om, at erhvervelse af dansk indfødsret er betinget af, at statsborgerskab i andre stater derved mistes og af at dansk indfødsret fortabes ved erhvervelse af et fremmed statsborgerskab
  2. En 5-årig overgangsordning, som giver tidligere danske statsborgere, der har mistet deres danske statsborgerskab i forbindelse med erhvervelse af fremmed statsborgerskab, mulighed for at generhverve det danske statsborgerskab ved afgivelse af erklæring.

Det nyoprettede Udlændinge-, Integrations- og Boligministerium har nu overtaget ressortansvaret på området fra Justitsministeriet, mens Statsforvaltningen vil stå for den daglige sagsbehandling vedrørende generhvervelse ved erklæring. Du kan læse mere om loven her .

Hvordan kan du søge om at generhverve dansk statsborgerskab?

Man kan søge om at generhverve sit danske statsborgerskab ved at indsende en erklæring direkte til Statsforvaltningen - også fra udlandet. Du kan også mod ekstra gebyr indsende erklæringen via en dansk ambassade eller et af de mange danske konsulater i udlandet. Du kan se de danske repræsentationer her . På Statsforvaltningens hjemmeside er der information og vejledning om de nærmere regler.

Hvordan får jeg et dansk pas?

Du vil kunne søge om et dansk pas, når Statsforvaltningen har behandlet din sag og afgjort, at du har generhvervet dit danske statsborgerskab. For personer over 12 år skal passet indeholde biometri (fingreaftryk og billede i en chip). Du kan se den seneste liste over, hvor du kan søge om et dansk pas med biometri her . Husk at du som hovedregel skal bestille tid for at kunne indgive din pasansøgning.

Dual Nationality

Do you live overseas or are you interested in knowing more about the rules regarding dual nationality?

In December 2014 the Danish parliament passes new rules regarding dual nationality. The rules consist of law number 1496 9f 23rd December 2014 regarding a change in the rules about Danish citizenship.  The law was enacted on Sept 1 2015.  The main points consist of the following.

  1. That acquiring Danish citizenship will no longer require a person to give up their previous nationality, and that the acquiring of another nationality will no longer require a person to give up their Danish nationality.
  2. A 5 year period of grace where former Danish citizens who previously lost their Danish nationality on obtaining another nationality, will be able to regain their Danish citizenship by means of a declaration.

The newly created Immigration and Housing ministry has now taken over ressource responsibility from the Ministry of Justice while the State Administration will handle the day-to-day processing of the citizenship recovery by declaration.  You can read more about the law here(missing link)

How can you apply to regain your Danish citizenship?

You can apply to regain your Danish citizenship by sending a declaration direct to the State Administration – also from overseas.  For an extra fee you can also send the declaration via a Danish Embassy or one of the many Danish consulates overseas. You can see a list of the Danish representations here (missing link).  The State Administration homepage(missing link) has information and guidance about the specific rules.

How do I get a Danish passport?

You can apply for a Danish passport once the State administration has handled your case and made a decision that you have regained your citizenship.  People over the age of 12 must have a passport with biometric information (fingerprints and picture in a chip). You can see the latest list on where you can apply for a biometric passport here (missing link). Please remember that usually you will need to book an appointment to hand in your passport application.

Dual citizenship

Dobbelt statsborgerskab

Er du bosiddende i udlandet, og er du interesseret i at kende mere til de nye regler om dobbelt statsborgerskab?

I december 2014 vedtog Folketinget nye regler om dobbelt statsborgerskab. Reglerne fremgår af lov nr. 1496 af 23. december 2014 om ændring af lov om dansk indfødsret. Loven er trådt i kraft den 1. september 2015. Hovedelementerne omfatter blandt andet:

  1. Ophævelse af indfødsretslovens bestemmelser om, at erhvervelse af dansk indfødsret er betinget af, at statsborgerskab i andre stater derved mistes og af at dansk indfødsret fortabes ved erhvervelse af et fremmed statsborgerskab


  2. En 5-årig overgangsordning, som giver tidligere danske statsborgere, der har mistet deres danske statsborgerskab i forbindelse med erhvervelse af fremmed statsborgerskab, mulighed for at generhverve det danske statsborgerskab ved afgivelse af erklæring.

Det nyoprettede Udlændinge-, Integrations- og Boligministerium har nu overtaget ressortansvaret på området fra Justitsministeriet, mens Statsforvaltningen vil stå for den daglige sagsbehandling vedrørende generhvervelse ved erklæring. Du kan læse mere om loven her .

Hvordan kan du søge om at generhverve dansk statsborgerskab?

Man kan søge om at generhverve sit danske statsborgerskab ved at indsende en erklæring direkte til Statsforvaltningen - også fra udlandet. Du kan også mod ekstra gebyr indsende erklæringen via en dansk ambassade eller et af de mange danske konsulater i udlandet. Du kan se de danske repræsentationer her . På Statsforvaltningens hjemmeside er der information og vejledning om de nærmere regler.

Hvordan får jeg et dansk pas?

Du vil kunne søge om et dansk pas, når Statsforvaltningen har behandlet din sag og afgjort, at du har generhvervet dit danske statsborgerskab. For personer over 12 år skal passet indeholde biometri (fingreaftryk og billede i en chip). Du kan se den seneste liste over, hvor du kan søge om et dansk pas med biometri her . Husk at du som hovedregel skal bestille tid for at kunne indgive din pasansøgning.

You will find all relevant information on the main website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.